To reach compliance to highest industrial standards in manufacturing butterfly valves for global markets, we take ultimate care to be qualified and certified on many levels. Obviously, number one are our QHSE qualifications, to ensure excellent management on quality, safety, health and environment. Next to that, we qualified for specific market segments and applications, where our independent Quality Department is qualified to perform manufacturing assessments on behalf of notifying bodies.
Besides our “obvious” QHSE qualifications, responsible manufacturing continuously has our full attention.
Product safety is of utmost importance for valves in water service for human consumption. Several international qualifications and certifications prove that the Wouter Witzel product are safe to use without restrictions.
With so called Manufacturing Assessments, typical shipbuilding classification bodies puts confidence into Wouter Witzel quality managements systems and allows our Quality inspectors to perform inspection and testing on their behalves.
Many industries and even applications has led us to specific industrial qualifications and certifications. Even the highest Oil & Gas qualifications were obtained and available today.