The number of references Wouter Witzel has gained is virtually endless. Thousands of successful references are proudly available for sharing. Always ask you Wouter Witzel expert for specific details, if not found below of if required so.
No matter if it is cruise vessels, dredging ships, container ships, crude carriers, chemical tankers, Navy vessels, luxury yachts or other specialized vessels, at Wouter Witzel you will find references for all type of ships.
Multiple millions of people worldwide are drinking water which has passed through Wouter Witzel butterfly valves. References can be found for most demanding water companies in the world.
Reliability is vital for the industry segment. Processes that run 24 hours a day and where downtime has a huge impact both in terms of production and financially, requires the highest quality. Our in-house experts continuously translate our clients’ wishes into practical solutions that make use of high quality, affordable products. Due to our network of distributors and agents we can support you globally.